MIME Encoding

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MIME Encoding

From Wikipedia: "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) is an Internet standard that extends the format of email messages to support text in character sets other than ASCII, as well as attachments of audio, video, images, and application programs. "


When generating the NC file, Primecut can create  a multipart file encoded with MIME, which includes not just the "G codes" but also a nestmap encoded as a DXF.  On Touchcut machines this:

enables Touchcut's on-screen nestmap functionality,

enhances Touchcut's on-machine nest modification functionality,

provides support for robotic part unloaders,

and allows part completion feedback to Primecut schedule page and the Touchcut Web server.


An example setup with MIME encoded nestmaps, part completion codes and part grouping codes is shown below:

MIME encoding



The Part Completion Codes are needed for part unloader support.  M500P%1d is all that is needed, the other codes above are just "human friendly" markers.

The Part Grouping Markers are needed to enhance on-machine nest editing; they mark each process with the associated part, so that when the operator selects a process on-screen to move/copy/delete a part, Touchcut can reliably identify all other associated processes to move/copy/delete with it.  Without these codes Touchcut uses some "educated guesswork" to identify part-associated processes, which will usually work but in complex situations may not.

Include Nestmap should always be true if Encode with MIME is true.


MIME Nestmap Specification

The nestmap is encoded as an ASCII DXF, with BLOCKs and INSERTs representing the parts and their nest placements.  

Additional Primecut data (partnames, weights, job information, unloader grouping information, magnet planning) is encoded using DXF application specific data extensions, see https://www.autodesk.com/techpubs/autocad/acad2000/dxf/extended_data_dxf_ab.htm

Kinetic maintains a full specification of the Nestmap DXF format, available upon request.