List of TouchCut 7 Standard NC Codes

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List of TouchCut 7 Standard NC Codes


Uppercase characters specify the character part of an nc code.

Lowercase characters specify the value part of an nc code that is a parameter value.

Numbers specify the value part of an nc code that make up a command.

Square brakets [] represent an optional component.

A pipe | represents an or set of codes within an optional component.

Tool & macro text commands can not have comments or line break codes after them.

G0, G1, G2 & G3 may be ommited if it was the previous command. (eg G0X2.0; Y3.0; X-2.0; Y-3.0).

Bevel angles and rotations are always defined as absolute angles.

Bevel angles and rotations are now interpolated across the length of the segment.  To change the bevel angle or rotation without moving in the x & y use a line segment code with no x, y, i or j (eg G1A30B0; G1Y100; G1A10B-90; G1X100). Note: that also means you can drop the G1, G2 and G3 to A30B0 etc.






Select a tool based on the process p.


Only supported for pathing tools.




Select tool t.


s = optional process name specifier for path tools.




Select tool t.


s = required spindle name specifier for spindle/drill.










Program information. p=program number.




Line number n.


May be prefixed before any line.


A number that can be associated with a process (or processes).


The active number at the tool on time will be used.




Rapid to x, y, z & u.


(z for 3D rapid sections)


(u for pipe cutter rotary axis )




Line segment to x, y, u, a & r


(u for pipe cutter rotary axis)


(at least one x, y, u, a or r required)


(must occur in a path block)




Clockwise arc segment to x, y, a & r.


(i & j define the center point)


(at least one x, y, i, j, a or r required)


(must occur in a path block)




Counter-clockwise arc segment to x, y, a & r.


(i & j define the center point)


(at least one x, y, i, j, a or r required)


(must occur in a path block)




Change milling depth.




Change milling depth with XY movement.


If d value is zero the plate thickness (+ extra overshoot) is used.


d value is always absolute.


(must occur in a milling path block)




Change milling depth with a clockwise arc segment.


If d value is zero the plate thickness (+ extra overshoot) is used.


d value is always absolute.


(must occur in a milling path block)




Change milling depth with a counter-clockwise arc segment.


If d value is zero the plate thickness (+ extra overshoot) is used.


d value is always absolute.


(must occur in a milling path block)




3d milling line, linear interpolation mode (z +ve up).


A z of zero is the reference height.


z is incremental or absolute (based on current inc/abs state).


(must occur in a milling path block)




3d milling clockwise arc segment.


Linear interpolation mode (z +ve up).


A z of zero is the reference height.


z is incremental or absolute (based on current inc/abs state).


(must occur in a milling path block)




3d milling counter-clockwise arc segment.


Linear interpolation mode (z +ve up).


A z of zero is the reference height.


z is incremental or absolute (based on current inc/abs state).


(must occur in a milling path block)




Feedrate override, applied immediately

remains in effect until new feedrate supplied or path end

only available inside a path block

f = zero resets to default feedrate

the feed override velocity will be limited to machine maximum

feedrate feed override will ignore arc acceleration limits and

bevel speed compensation




Feedrate override as a percentage of default feedrate,applied

immediately remains in effect until new feedrate supplied

or path end only available inside a path block p = zero

resets to default feedrate the feed override velocity will be

limited to machine maximum feedrate feed override will

ignore arc acceleration limits and bevel speed compensation.






Dwell for p seconds.


(can be anywhere in a path)


(must occur in a path block)




Multiline macro text.


s - size (minimum 2mm)


r - rotation


a - alignment, one of:


0 (Top Left)


1 (Top Center)


2 (Top Right)


3 (Middle Left)


4 (Middle Center)


5 (Middle Right)


6 (Bottom Left)


7 (Bottom Center)


8 (Bottom Right)


h - line height spacing


w - wrap width


t - text


\p or "\P" denotes a line break.


\\ denotes "\" else single "\" ignored.





If outside of a path block:





No kerf.




(must occur out of a path block)




Left kerf, with optional internal / external specifier.


(D21=external, D22=internal)


(must occur out of a path block)




Right kerf, with optional internal / external specifier.


(D21=external, D22=internal)


(must occur out of a path block)










No kerf. (temporary override)




Left kerf. (temporary override)




Right kerf. (temporary override)




Start of subroutine r. (positive integer)




End of subroutine.




Execute subroutine r, c times.


Notes: subroutines can be nested, but not recursive


Explicit Local Coordinate System (LCS) Offset


xyz defines the offset from the plate coordinate system,

Each G52 cancels any previous G52.


Note: z +ve is up.  Using a z value will also offset the z-ref position, temporarily changing the the top of the plate reference point for tool start, rapids etc.


The X,Y,Z values are offsets to the starting plate coordinate system, Incremental or Absolute mode has no effect on the behaviour of this function.


For the LCS Z Offset to be useful, the machine should be using Z-Reference.  LCS XY offsets can be applied without a Z offset.


G52 by itself resets any LCS offset.


It is an error to use G52 inside a process block.


subroutines must be defined before they are called.




Use imperial units.




Use metric units. (default)




Use absolute mode. (default)




Use incremental mode.




Operator message m.


Note: pops up a message and stops the machine


to allow the operator to perform some


operation and then smart start it again.


Will also give option to just continue.

If Uu is specified the user output u (1-10) will be turned on for the

duration the message is shown on screen.




Select material-thickness for the program.


Thickness value based on G70/G71 as to whether


it is interpreted as metric or imperial.


Zero thickness will not be accepted.


e.g. M20(MS-20.0) = Mild Steel @ 20.0mm.


Note: only one M20 will be accepted per program and


will be used for the whole program,


regardless of where it is situated.


M20 also cancels rotary axis substitution for macro codes




Extended version of M20 for pipe cutter mode with a rotary chuck.

Need to supply additionally the outer diameter and wall thickness

(same as material thickness) Also need to supply AXIS that is

replaced by the chuck- usually 1 meaning Y Axis, for a pipe cutter

whose rotary axis is parallel to the long (X) axis.


select material-thickness for the program and set up rotary axis

substitution for macro codes (for pipe cutting)


od - outer diameter of pipe (default = 0, disabled)

if specified, must be > 0

must be specified in first call


thk - thickness of pipe (default = currently selected material thickness)

1 = no substitution (same as calling M20)

0 = X axis

1 = Y axis




Tool off.


Optional for spindle processes.


If specified, can indicate spindle should raise fully.




Cut till arc off ( Tower machines only)

for plasma processes

once an M4 is reached, the tool (and path) should turn off

when arc has been lost on all active carriages

if the M3 is reached (end of path) before this occurs then

raise an error as this will indicate that the plate has

not been fully severed




Tool on for standard pathing tools (not milling).


Note: if beveling, height sensing and piercing will be performed


with the tool vertical. It will also be pre-rotated.


Initial angle/rotation can be specified here, else use


a line segment code with no x or y components.


Bevels will rotate to their next required position


during rapiding.




Tool on. (spindles)


d defines a drill depth, no depth=drill through.




Tool on. (routers)


d defines the milling depth (+ve down).


If d value is zero the plate thickness (+ extra overshoot) is used.




Tool on. (routers, 3d linear interpolation mode)


z defines the milling height (+ve up).


A z of zero is the reference height.




Tool on (3D waterjet paths),

note:no height sensing will be performed

initial angle/rotation should be specified here else zero angle / rotation

is assumed the bevel will rotate to this position during rapiding

Only G1 codes currently supported

Any kerf offset will be performed from the plane described by the

segment direction and the torch vector

- if the initial and final torch vectors are different a straight line will be extrapolated between them

- the shortest distance between the two segments will be used at the


- the angle/rotation will be adjusted proportionally across this join

filler, segments may be extended by up to one kerf length to try to

find the shortest join path.

Rotation angles are defined as a normal to the path

- 0° when the normal is pointing in the x direction

- +ve counter-clockwise)

Bevel angles are defined zero with the torch upright

- +ve counter-clockwise when looking at the front

- limited to ±90°




Hypertherm True Hole™ macro code (for Hypertherm HPR XD

(auto gas consoles), Where d specifies the required hole diameter.

Optional X/Y params turn it into a True Slot, where the current point

is the center of the start arc and the X/Y position indicates the center

of the end arc.

Note: the XY slot offset does not affect the current position of the


If d, x & y are not specified (ie only M37) then it is a True Hole™

path start code.

True Hole™ paths require 1 segment for the leadin and subsequent       segments to form a closed path.

True Hole™ paths automatically add their own leadout

True Hole™ paths only support line and arc g-codes




Spindle Chamfer macro code (for spindles with chamfer bits),


d specifies the nominal hole diameter

(required for chamfer bits, but not snap chamfer bits)

e specifies the edges to chamfer (1 = Top, 2 = Bottom, 3 = Top &


c specifies the chamfer width

(required for chamfer bits, but not snap chamfer bits)

Use only with a chamfer-mill or a snap-chamfer, if using a standard

chamfer too just feed it to depth as you would a normal drill, ie use

M30Dd. See notes on Chamfering




Spindle ThreadMill macro code (for spindles with threadmill bits),


dia specifies the outer thread diameter

d specifies the depth to mill to in relation to the surface (+ve down)

(where 0 = full through + overshoot)

z specifies the depth to drill to in relation to the surface (+ve up)

if neither d or z is specified the it will mill with d=0 (ie full through)

h specified thread type 1 = right hand thread (default), -1 = left hand

thread p pitch override. This should only be used with single tooth





Spindle HelicalMill macro code (for spindles with mill bits)


This will start the helical move at feed from height above the plate

and then do a complete pass at depth after completing the helical





dia specifies the outer hole diameter


d specifies the depth to mill to in releation to the surface (+ve down)

(where 0 = full through + overshoot)


z specifies the depth to mill to in releation to the surface (+ve up)


if neither d or z is specified the it will mill with d=0 (ie full through)


h specified direction type 1 = clockwise (default), -1 =



p pitch. Depth per pass




Space the boxes where n=1..8 & x|y = spacing.


If n<>1 then x|y is required.


Note: if boxes are spaced, then limit


the orientations of the program to 180°


(or 90 and 270 if x|y oposite to machine setup).


x and y support index notation, if no index is used then an index

of zero is assumed and all boxes get the same spacing.

An index between 2 & 8 sets the spacing between

individual boxes.


F & C enable Fixed and Center Line mirror banding respectively.


MA1 enables multi-axis mode (if there is more than one carriage)


MA0 (default) disables multi-axis mode


Fixed Line:


Fixed line can be used with either 2 or 3 boxes.


f defines the fixed mirror line for box 2.


If 3 boxes are spaced, box 3 is mirrored to box 1.


All boxes must be motor driven


because box 2 is fixed to the mirror line it is not


able to be adjusted for kerf. The box 1 path position


should allow for the kerf within the nc code, or enter


double the normal kerf value within the tool process




Center Line:


Center line can be used with an even number of boxes.


c defines the mirror line between boxes 1 and 2.


Subsequent mirror lines (eg 4 boxes spaced) are calculated


as c + (2 * x|y).




Enable multiaxis mode where the boxes ordinate positions in the

spaced axis are individually controlled.

eg G1 X200 Y[1]300 Y[2]400




Unspace boxes and activate box 1.


(also deactivates mirror banding)




Begin 3D section (3D rapids, full retract)




End 3D section




Enable height control.


Note: on by default at the start of each process.




Disable height control.




Enable tangent following (bevel/knife axis b).


Tip bevel head to angle a and align B with path tangent.




Disable tangent following (bevel/knife axis b).


Note: tangent following is disabled automatically


at the end of a process.




Select the base (non-delegate process)


select process delegate 1 through to 8

An HPR plasma process can have up to 8 delegates

Selecting 1 of the delegates uses that tool process instead

One of the main uses is to link a related marking process to a

cutting process and swap between them




Reset all user outputs (1 thru 10)


Set user output u


Reset user output u


Activate carriage 1


Activate carriage n


Deactivate carriage 1


Deactivate carriage n

Modified codes:





Was M30.




Was M30[(s)].




Mirror banding parameter added.




Now also deactivates mirror banding.




Used to only be placed before the M30, can now be placed


before the M30 if tangent following is to be enabled


immediately, or within a path block if tangent following


is not enabled at the time.




Used to only be placed after the M3, can now be placed


after the M3 or before the M3 if tangent following


is turned off within a path block. M3 will now implicitly


disable tangent following if it was active.




2.5d milling / routering.


d defines the milling depth (+ve down).


If d value is zero the plate thickness (+ extra overshoot) is used.




3d milling / routering via linear interpolation mode.





New codes:





Multiline macro text code replacing L0, L1 & L2.




Select material-thickness for the program.



M60 & M61

Enable/disable height control, advanced command to


temporarily disable height control to avoid crashing


if cutting across previous paths or open space.





Obsolete but still supported codes:




Singleline macro text.




Set macro text size to s (minimum 2mm).




Set macro text angle to r.





Obsolete and no longer supported codes:




Drilling tool on (not spindle) with pecking.