Copying Parts

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Copying Parts


Via Ctrl-Drag

Often a part will be rotated (or sometimes arrayed) to fit one part of a nest, and the same part orientation (or array layout) will suit other regions of the nest also. Rather than dragging another part in from the parts navigator, and rotating it to a similar position (or creating a similar array), it is easier simply to make a copy of the originally configured part. This is done by holding down Ctrl before clicking and dragging on the selected part's movement handle.


The same technique can be used with a multiple selection of parts, in which case the entire multiple selection will be copied and moved.

Note the difference between this action and using the Ctrl key when creating a multiple selection: when creating a multiple selection, Ctrl (or Shift) is held down while selecting the parts; whereas when cloning Ctrl is held down after the selection has been created and before dragging the movement handle.


Via Clipboard

Parts van also be copied to and from the clipboard, which is especially useful for copying parts between Plates.  The usual shortcuts apply:

Ctrl-C to Copy

Ctrl-X to Cut

Ctrl-V to Paste


When a part or group of parts is pasted, the parts appear at the same coordinates as where they were copied or cut from.  Thus when pasting onto the same plate the parts may appear exactly on top of where they cam from, but they will be Floating as they don't fit.