Nest Direction

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Nest Direction

When nesting , and autonesting in particular, the plate is generally filled from one edge.

With Kinetic machines, and especially if offcuts are to be generated and managed, we suggest nesting from Right To Left, even though the origin is at the bottom left corner of the plate.  This simplifies Offcut management as offcuts generated are usually the left hand section of the plate and have the origin preserved on the left edge. If we nest from the left and generate an offcut, the left edge of the offcut may be irregular, and the offcut origin is off-plate.  Primecut will prompt to set a new plate origin when scheduling a plate with an off-plate origin, but it is tidier if this does not need to happen.


As well as the Nest Direction, there is the Sequencing Direction, ie the order the parts will be but in.  This is quite separate to the Nesting Direction, but again we recommend sequencing from Right To Left. This is so that parts are immediately exposed by the machine gantry as they are cut, rather than passing under the gantry after cutting.