Troubleshooting the Machine Connection
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The machine connects to Primecut by means of the Primecut STP service running on the Primecut Server. This is configured to connect to a single database.
•Can you ping the server name from the machine , if not DNS issues? (IT). Workaround can be to use server's IP address but not ideal.
•Try testing via a Web browser as described below. If not : service down on server or port blocked.
•Is the machine number correct, ie matching the controllerID in the machines section of Primecut?
•Is port blocked on server, on Touchcut machine or somewhere in between? (IT)
•Is the service running on the server? If not : try starting it via pc4LicGui. If it keeps stopping check stpService.ini, in particular that Datastore matches a valid datastore name in pc4licGUI, CASE SENSITIVE
Testing via Web Browser
Several tests can be useful via a web browser, both using a web address and then the host name and both on the server and the client machine.
Open a web browser and enter the following address (on both the server and client machines):
where is the Ip address of the PrimeCut NE server, if the STP service is online (and the pointing to the correct database - datastore=production) you should see the following output:
Version mismatch server: 1.5, client:
Note: "mismatch" is nothing bad in this context - it is actually good. It means that there is a connection.
If you don't get the "mismatch" message, then the server is either not running because it may be misconfigured - or it is because the port is blocked on the server or the client machine (if tested from the client).
Open a web browser and enter the following address (on both the server and client machines):
http://<server name>:2025/getOperators
If testing via an address (eg works but via the server name doesn't (eg theserver.companydomain) then there is most likely a DNS issue that the client should resolve.