Automatic Processing

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Automatic Processing


This screen is accessed via DSTV Import Options and the Edit DSTV Tool Allocation button.


When automatic processing is enabled, importing DSTV files automatically processes the part(s) with selected tools.

This topic will briefly outline of what options are available when automatically processing, the following topics go into much more detail on how Cutting and Spindle Processing are handled during automatic processing.

Firstly the Enabled Check box must be ticked, otherwise no processing is applied to the part. Choose a Machine to process against, all parts imported automatically have this set as their machine, and can only be nested on plates destined for the same machine.


Three types of processing can be applied by the automatic processor. Depending on how the geometry was defined in the file (for e.g. an hole can be defined as a contour element or a block hole element), the appropriate processing is applied.

The selected Cutting tool is applied to all paths that are not holes, i.e. if they were specified as a contour (see File Format Information). If a beveling tool is used, and there is weld preparation requirements on one or more edges, then additional beveling geometry is created and beveled cuts are applied.

The selected Spindle tool is applied to all holes, i.e. they were specified as block holes (see File Format Information). The DSTV file format allows for specified additional processes on holes, for e.g. tapping and boring, this extra information is encoded into the imported geometry using hints (markers).

The selected Marking tool is applied to marking contours specified for marking. The importer supports importing just powder marks, punch marking or a combination of both. Additionally, "pop marks", block holes with a specified diameter of 0 are treated as points to be marked. Marking tools are also applied to numerations (part labels).

NOTE Properties of the tools (for e.g. Lead Ins Size) are not specific to DSTV importing: if any of the tool properties are changed, then they effect DSTV importing as well, and vice versa

See Also

File Format Information

Order Entry Automation

DSTV Import Options

DSTV Troubleshooting