Material Inheritance

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Material Inheritance





It can be time consuming populating a large list of process data and spindle tools across a large number of grades. One option is to copy process data between materials using the 'Copy' button to launch the copy to materials dialog, and from here you can copy spindle data and process data to multiple other grades at once. However, this approach means that in future if you ever need to change the process data for a process and thickness across multiple similar materials, a lot of changing and checking is required to ensure the similar materials have the same process data or spindle bit data.

A better approach is to use inheritance for the process data and spindle bits. Process data can be set to inherit from another material, which means for every thickness of that material that does not have process data, process data from the inherited material will be applied. Inherited Rows show up as purple.  Edits to those purple rows create overriding settings for that material thickness and process. Changes to process costing of the inherited material will show up in the purple rows of all inheriting materials.



Similarly, for materials and spindle bit data, if a spindle specifier/bit data row exists for a Spindle Inherited Material, the inherited data will be available to the inheriting material, as shown in the purple rows below. Edits to those purple rows create overriding settings for those spindles for the selected material. Changes to the inherited spindle material will show up in the purple rows of all materials that inherit from that material.
