Material Favorites

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Material Favorites


Available in Release 131


Materials and specific material thicknesses can be 'favorited' making them easier to find in the various material selectors in Primecut.

For example, a grade, such as "Gr250" or "A572-Gr50" can be made a favorite, and this grade and its thicknesses will show  in selectors ahead of non-favorited grades and their thicknesses.

A specific thickness of a grade, such as Gr250-10mm, or  A572-Gr50-1/2", can also be favorited, then this thickness also appears in lists sooner than than the other thicknesses.


Create A Favorite Material heart32

1.Enter the Costing Data section from the modes explorer

2.Double click the material you want to set as a favorite

3.Check the Favorite button to set the material as a favorite- the red heart indicates that this material is a favorite.





Create a Favorite Material Thicknessstar32

1.Following the steps above, double click the Material Thickness you want to set as a favorite

2.Check the checkbox to set the thickness as a favorite


Seeing favorite Grades and Thicknesses in the Materials Selector

Congratulations! Now all your favorite grades and thicknesses can be seen in the material selector at the tops of the lists. They will be repeated in their normal sort order position down the list as well, as in long lists you may be using the sort order to find a thickness, without necessarily knowing that its a favorite and to be found at the top of the list.

Favorite Material Thicknesses will have a star star32

Favorite Grades, and thicknesses of favorite grades, will have a heart heart32.

When loading parts you will sometimes see another symbol Tag32, this indicates that the grade and or thickness is being hinted by the content of the file being loaded, see for example DSTV (NC1) Part Import and Manual Part Harvesting.





Adding and Editing Plate Templates

The plate templates associated with each material thickness are shown as a list under each material thickness. If the material thickness has just been added, you will need to close out of process data to save those thicknesses before coming  back in to add templates associated with that material thickness. The plate template page



See Also

Material Thicknesses

Material Aliases

Material Families

Material Inheritance

Material Plate Templates

Copying Process Data Between Materials