Sequencing Editor: Useful Points and Tips

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Sequencing Editor: Useful Points and Tips

If you have many examples of a pre-processed part nested, and you want the same sequence used for each parts you can do this via the Parts Sequencing editor.

In some cases you may want to create an internal sequence for a part but process it on the plate with all the other parts. This has the advantage of allowing the parts to be nested more closely because you don't have to worry about their leads. It can be done via the Parts Sequencing editor.

If you need the machine operator to check a part before continuing to cut the nest, you can insert a pause into the program. This will stop the program at the specified time and display a message (of your choosing) to the operator.

When cutting parts that require multiple tool processes, such as spindle and plasma, you are faced with a choice. You can process each part completely before moving to the next in order to minimize plate movement, or you can process the whole plate before moving to the next tool in order to maximize efficiency. The other option is to use Zoning which is a compromise between the two. The plate is then split into zones, within which all processes are completed before moving to the next tool.

The Select Items tool can give you a high degree of control when you want to select items of a particular type for sequencing.

Note if User Settings > Sequencing > Order New Processes by Rules and Warn On Bad Sequences is selected, then new processes on plates/parts will automatically be ordered to comply with the rules described in Sequence Warning.