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What Makes Our Chip & Dust Collector Different?

At Kinetic, we’ve rethought the science of plasma cutting from the ground up with a focus on productivity. And that means looking at every aspect of the machine, its software, plus all necessary auxiliary systems, with an eye for efficiency. And this includes the often-overlooked (but critically important!) aspect of chip, dross and dust collection.

That’s why we’ve designed our dross, chip and dust collection systems to enhance our plasma cutting systems in a number of key ways. Read on to learn a little bit more about what makes our chip and dust collection system different, and how it can help your business boost efficiency and maximize productivity!

1. Chip & Coolant Removal & Recycling
Kinetic plasma cutting machines feature a closed chip and coolant removal system. Thanks to through-spindle coolant technology, we deliver coolant precisely where it’s needed. And as chips and coolant are created during the drilling process, our closed-loop system sucks these byproducts away. This extends tooling life, minimizes clean-up time, and results in much faster production.

2. Dust Removal
Our high-powered downdraft cutting table pulls smoke and dust down into the table, where it’s sucked away into our dust collection unit and subsequently filtered out of the shop environment.

3. Automated Dust & Smoke Collection
Our advanced dust and smoke collector helps keep your facility clean and your staff happy – not to mention more productive. Once dust and smoke are filtered out of the air, our unique auger system deposits byproducts cleanly and neatly into a drum for fast disposal. Clean-out is complete and made simple by collecting a trash bag from the drum and replacing it with an empty bag.

When you spend less time on cleanup, and more time cutting, throughput will be higher and productivity will be maximized. This means a stronger bottom line for your business.

4. Automated Chip Collection
Just like our automated dust collection system, our automated chip collection system sucks chips away from the cutting area, and uses a simple conveyor to deposit them into a drum for fast disposal. No more sweeping piles of chips from the cutting surface, bagging them by hand, and wasting valuable cutting time cleaning the machine. Our chip collector automates these time-draining tasks to make chip cleanout as simple as collecting a trash bag.

5. Low Profile Design
All of these time-saving and labor-saving features don’t come in an unwieldy package. We’ve specifically designed our chip and dust collection unit to be smaller and shorter than traditional dust collection systems. This means more flexibility in machine placement, and better use of your facility’s floor space. So if your business follows Lean manufacturing principles, you’ll be able to locate the machine where it makes sense and maximize the flow the parts through your production process.

If your business relies on plasma cutting systems and you’re interested in learning how our innovative chip and coolant removal system can help save you time and money, contact us today.  We look forward to learning about your business and discussing ways Kinetic machines can help!

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