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3 Questions to Ask Before You Buy a CNC Plasma Cutting System

If you’re considering a plasma cutting system for your fabrication department, it pays to ask the right questions before you choose a machine. But what questions should you be asking? And what are the answers you should be looking for?

Read on to learn three of the key questions you should ask of any plasma cutting system manufacturer before you buy. And think about how those answers will impact your businesses’ ability to be successful in the years ahead with the machine you choose.

Question 1: How Will You Service My Machine?
Inevitably, your machine will need maintenance. So with machine manufacturers spread out around the world, it’s important to choose one with service technicians who can quickly and easily travel to your location.

At Kinetic, our expert technicians are constantly hopscotching around the country visiting client locations and performing maintenance, upgrades and repairs. That means they can get to your location quickly if needed. In fact, there is likely one of our techs in your region on a monthly basis.

Most importantly, Kinetic machines are designed so that our service technicians can remotely access machine status and functionality for emergency troubleshooting, 24/7/365. It’s the best way to keep your machines running and your business operating productively.

Question 2: Are Parts Easily Available?
We know that in today’s fast-paced production environment downtime can ruin the productivity and profitability of your business. And if you have ever needed replacement parts, you know that proprietary parts can be difficult to obtain quickly and are subject to complex supply chains.

At Kinetic, however, we’ve built our machines with standardized component parts that are readily available from a variety of vendors, and that we keep in stock so we can ship quickly. This means that in the event of a breakdown, we can often have a replacement part on your doorstep in about a day.

When you don’t have to wait days or weeks for parts, and when tech support is standing by, your machines will be able to run faster, longer and process plate more effectively than ever before.

Question 3: How Will This Machine Impact My Business?

If you’re looking to invest in a plasma cutting system, you want a machine that’s going to help your business make money, not cost you money. That’s why we’ve designed our machines to maximize productivity and efficiency.

We’ve built our machines to cut, mill, drill, tap, bore and more. And by having this array of capabilities in one piece of equipment, Kinetic machines dramatically reduce production time. They eliminate the need for multiple machines, eliminate the need for jigs and fixtures, and they decrease the need for secondary processes. With all of these features in a single step, our machines also eliminate the time-consuming and costly process of moving work from station to station.

Not all plasma cutting systems are created equal, and over time heavy use can cause breakdowns. We know that your business isn’t running smoothly if your machines aren’t running, so we’ve over-engineered our machines for maximum usage. Our machines are designed to run three shifts a day, 365 days a year, without issue.

Thanks to thoughtful machine design, our cutting systems hold up to the rigors of modern manufacturing, are easy to service and minimize downtime. That means a Kinetic machine will run faster, longer and more efficiently than any other.

So look for a plasma cutting system that will give your business a competitive advantage. One that will help you work faster, smarter and more efficiently. And one that will boost your bottom line, as opposed to creating new costs.

Ready to Improve Your Business?
If you’re interested in learning more about Kinetic and our innovative CNC plasma cutting machines, contact us today. Our team is standing by to help you determine which machine will maximize the productivity and profitability of your business.

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