Workorder Explorer
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The Workorder Explorer shows workorders that you have have open in your current Workspace; you can have multiple workorders open at once, but at any one time only one can be Active in the editor. The Workorder Explorer will always be visible in Workorder Mode.
Toolbar Buttons
Across the top of the Workorder Explorer we have:
Create a New Workorder and open it in the Workorder Editor. A New Workorder cannot be saved until it has a customer set as well as valid Invoice Number/Job Number information.
When another editor is showing, eg the Workorder Editor, or the Part Geometry Editor, this brings the Workorder Selector back.
Sets the Part Approval Status on all parts referenced by all open workorders to Approved, so they can be nested and cut. This applies to all open workorders, not just to the selection.
Open All Open Workorder Parts in Nesting
Opens the parts from all active workorders in Nesting Mode. Only parts with Approval Status set to Approved are opened in Nesting.
Approval status changes are written to the database immediately.
There is a similar function in the context menu below which will only open the selected workorders in Nesting.
Open All Open Workorder Parts and Plates in Nesting
As above, but also loads plates the parts are nested on.
Import a workorder or Quote from another Primecut Database. There must be no open workorders when you perform the import.
Save all added (or modified via properties) plates to the database
Return to the home screen
There are other options in the dropdown menu on this button also:
Clear- Clears the Workspace
Go to Nesting- Jump to Nesting Mode
Close (default) Close the mode and return to the Home screen.
When there are open workorders listed in the Explorer, you can right click on a selection of them to get a Context Menu:
Show Editor (or Double click) a workorder in the explorer list to make it the Active Editing or Viewing workorder in the Workorder Editor
Approve Selected Workorders ,
Open Selected Workorder Parts in Nesting,
Open Selected Workorder Parts and Plates in Nesting
Similar to the toolbar versions of these functions above, but when selected from the context menu, the actions will be applied to the selected workorders only.
Save- Save the selected workorders
Duplicate Job Header- Create a new workorder using the same header data as the selected workorder, ie same Customer, Delivery, Due Date, Purchase order etc. If the Invoicenumber is auto generated a new Invoice number will be assigned, otherwise all header fields are copied.
Duplicate Job- Does the same as Duplicate Job Header above, but also copies the line items. The line items will reference the same part instances as the original workorder.
Duplicate Job and Copy Plates- Similar to Duplicate Job above, but allows you to enter a new Purchase Order etc, and brings up the copy nests dialog, allowing you to select what to do with the nested plates:
Quote From Job- When a workorder has been completely cut, you can create a special retroactive quote to charge for the work, called a QFJ (Quote From Job)
Export Workorder- Exports the selected workorder, including its parts and nests, to a file so it can be imported into another PrimeCut database, perhaps at another site.
Remove Items- Closes the selected workorders, and removes them from the workspace. You will be prompted whether to save changes if changes have been made.