Quote Calculations

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Quote Calculations

Once you have created a quote, added the parts and applied processing to those parts you are ready to calculate the charge to the customer.

Charges are broken down into two main sections. First the cost of each line item is calculated using parameters such as machine time and material cost, and subtracting any discounts. Next, the line item totals are added together and any additional charges such as freight are added. Once this is calculated PrimeCut NE can generate a report to be sent to the customer.

The screen-shot below shows the layout of the calculation section.

quote costing screen

Calculation of a quote


Markup Breakdown Between Processes

If Global settings > Quoting > Display Settings > Show processing breakdown is checked, then it is possible for markups to be applied separately

Display Markup Breakdown


This allows for the processing costs individually associated with Cutting, Beveling, Drilling, Milling and Marking to be given separate markups or discounts. Extra columns in the quote table show the actual cost and sell values of that processing, and how they contribute to the final sell value.




Default markups for cutting beveling drilling milling and marking can also be saved for each customer.



Line Charges

   Mach Cost and Mach Sell (Machine Time Charge)

   Mat Cost and Mat Sell

      Nest (Legacy) Allocated Area Calculation

      Nest+ Allocated Area Calculation

   Consumables Charge

   Other Line Charges

   Extra Processing Charges

Discounts and Markups

   Quote Reports: How to show Charges

Fixing Line Prices

Quote Total Charge

Running the Calculation

Quote Warnings